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How to Train Your Dog to Come When Called: 7 Proven Techniques That Work [2024 Guide]


Imagine your dog running to you, tail wagging, when you call. This moment shows a strong bond between you and your dog. It’s important for safety and companionship.

Teaching your dog to come when called is rewarding. It makes your relationship stronger. Your dog will feel safe and connected to you1.

Many dog owners find this training hard. They might feel lost or unsure where to start. But, with the right help, it can be easier than you think1.

Start training early, around eight weeks. This helps your dog become safe and well-behaved2. A dog that comes when called is safer and makes outings better. So, let’s explore how to teach your dog to come when called.

  • Training recall provides lasting benefits for safety and obedience.
  • Building a strong recall with your dog fosters a deeper bond.
  • Starting training early is essential for success.
  • Consistency in commands and positive reinforcement is key.
  • Expect setbacks and involve patience during the training process.

Teaching your dog to come when called is key for a safe and fun relationship. It means you can count on them 99% of the time3. This skill is crucial in emergencies4, making recall training very important. To get your dog to listen, you need to make the environment appealing and fight off distractions.

Linking the recall cue to good experiences is essential. For example, rewarding your dog for looking at you can make them more likely to respond to their name4. Using treats like chicken or cheese can make positive reinforcement even more effective3. It’s good to practice recall every day, making it harder and adding distractions to improve your dog’s reliability5.

Also, avoid using the recall cue too much, as it can become a “poisoned cue” and make your dog ignore it5. Always stay positive during training. Don’t punish your dog for slow responses; instead, praise them for trying5.

Adding play, like tug-of-war or using exciting toys, can make recall training fun and effective4. Keep training sessions short and fun, even for puppies, to keep them interested3. By following these tips, you can build a strong foundation for successful dog recall training.


A reliable recall is key for dog owners. It means your dog will come when called. This is crucial for safety and can save lives in emergencies. Studies show that about 50% of the time, dogs don’t come when called during training6.

Dogs may take 4 to 7 seconds to respond, which can be risky6. Many dogs are slow or medium in responding, which is not ideal in urgent situations6. This shows the need for good training to improve recall.

Choosing the right command is important for training. Positive reinforcement works better than shock collars7. Using commands like “come,” “here,” or “hurry” helps dogs associate recall with positive things7. Adding high-value rewards makes training more fun and effective.

Reliable recall training is very important. The “Come” command works about 98% of the time when the dog is close8. This shows that training in short distances and low-distraction areas helps8. Avoiding negative training helps improve recall.

Starting this journey requires dedication to consistent training. This dedication not only trains your dog but also strengthens your bond. It shows how crucial reliable recall is for your safety and your dog’s.


Teaching your dog to come when called is crucial. Start with a solid foundation before deep training. Use consistent methods and positive associations to teach your dog. Practice in quiet places with clear commands and rewards.

Building a strong recall training foundation takes patience and daily effort. Spend 15 to 20 minutes daily on the “come” command. This can lead to reliable recall in one to two months9.

Begin in a quiet area with a long lead and treats. These motivate your pet10. Connect the command with rewards by clicking and treating when your dog responds right. Adjust rewards over time to encourage independence.

Picking a consistent verbal cue is key. The command should be simple and clear, recognizable in all situations. Professional trainers stress the need for clear and consistent commands10.

Practice in a quiet area before adding distractions. As your dog gets better, increase the distance. Start with 10 feet for puppies11 and 20 feet for adult dogs11.


Teaching your dog to come back when called is key. Using positive reinforcement for dog recall is a top strategy. It makes coming when called a fun experience for your dog.

It’s important to reward your dog right away when they come back. Use a clear recall cue like ‘come’ or ‘here’ and add a visual cue for better understanding12. Speak in a happy, excited voice and use inviting body language to get a positive response12.

Teaching your dog to respond to their name before recall training helps a lot. It makes communication better, even in busy places12.

High-value treats are crucial in effective ways to train your dog to come. Find out what your dog loves, like food or toys, and use treats like cheese or chicken to get their attention13. Change the rewards sometimes to keep your dog interested in training13.

Try games like the ping pong recall game or the back away recall game. These games make coming back fun and exciting13. They help make your dog’s recall response strong.



Creating a space without distractions is key for recall training. Start with indoor exercises to keep your dog’s focus on you. This quiet area helps build a strong bond and keeps your dog engaged.

Begin training in a safe indoor spot. This lets your dog learn the recall command without outside distractions. Use treats or toys to make the command rewarding and keep your dog motivated14.

When your dog recalls well indoors, move to outdoor training. Start with less busy places and add more distractions slowly. Reward your dog for ignoring distractions and focusing on you15.

Practice in different places to improve your dog’s distraction management. This builds confidence and a strong recall. The right balance of distractions and rewards is crucial for success15.


Recall training is key to teaching your dog to come when called. Games that make training fun strengthen your bond with your pet. They make recall training a positive experience.

The Catch Me game is a fun way to teach your dog to come when called. Start by running around and calling your dog with excitement. When they reach you, give them treats or praise.

This game is a great way to make recall training enjoyable. It’s a key part of successful recall training1617.

In the Find Me exercise, you hide and call your dog to find you. This game makes recall training fun and teaches your dog to listen from anywhere. When they find you, give them lots of love and a treat.

This game boosts their curiosity and listening skills. It’s a great way to practice recall1618.

The Hot Potato Recall game is great for multiple dogs or family members. You pass a treat or toy around while calling your dog’s name. This game is exciting and teaches dogs to respond in a busy setting.

Using high-value treats makes the recall command positive. It works even when there are distractions1817.


Improving your dog’s recall takes time and effort. It’s not something you can do overnight. It needs patience and dedication from you, the dog owner. It can take weeks or even months of regular practice to see good results19.

Make recall drills a part of your daily routine. This makes it more exciting for your dog. Use high-value rewards and different places to keep things interesting2021. Keep training sessions short, around five to ten minutes, to keep your dog focused19.

A good recall keeps your dog safe and strengthens your bond. It makes your relationship with your dog better, building trust and teamwork2019. Try adding games like fetch and hide ‘n’ seek to your training. These games make learning fun and help your dog remember the recall command21.

To improve your dog’s recall, remember these important points:

  • Use a clear and consistent recall command.
  • Reward your dog each time they respond correctly.
  • Expose your dog gradually to distractions.
  • Utilize a whistle for consistent recall in noisy environments.
  • Engage in regular practice with unpredictable elements.

In controlled training, dogs may do well but ignore commands in real life. This makes training less effective22. Factors like not understanding animal behavior and not recognizing natural instincts can also cause problems23.

There are several reasons dogs might not come when called. Calling a dog when unsure can weaken the recall cue. Trainers may also misinterpret their dog’s behavior, leading to negative associations with recall commands.

This can damage your relationship with your pet. It’s crucial to respect and understand dog behavior23. Inconsistently reinforcing recalls can also make the behavior worse. It’s important to practice recall in different places22.

To fix dog recall problems, use positive reinforcement techniques. Studies show these methods work better than punishment24. Giving immediate rewards, like high-value treats, can help create positive associations with coming when called.

Adding fun games to recall training can also improve responsiveness and strengthen your bond with your dog22. By using these strategies and practicing in various environments, you can overcome the challenges of dog recall training24 and23.

The best time to start recall training is between 8 to 12 weeks. Early training lays a solid foundation. But, remember to stay consistent and patient throughout the training journey.

To ensure your dog comes every time, use a consistent recall command. Make sure the command is positive by rewarding them. Practice in different places to keep them on their toes.

Effective training includes positive reinforcement and high-value treats. Use games to make recall training fun. Start with simple distractions and add more as your dog gets better.

Poor recall can be due to distractions, inconsistent training, or negative associations. Understanding these reasons helps you improve recall.

If your dog struggles with recall, review your training. Try to reduce distractions. Use positive reinforcement and slowly increase training difficulty.

A strong recall comes from consistent practice and rewarding your dog. Use engaging exercises and gradually add distractions to make training more challenging.

Positive reinforcement for recall means rewarding your dog with treats, praise, or playtime. This encourages them to respond to the recall command.

Fun recall exercises include “Catch Me,” “Find Me,” and “Hot Potato.” These games make training enjoyable and strengthen your bond with your dog.

Begin training indoors to avoid distractions. As your dog’s recall improves, move to outdoor areas with controlled distractions.

  1. – Puppy won’t come when called? 9 tips to get perfect recall
  2. – Discover how to achieve a perfect dog recall with 5 simple steps
  3. – How to Teach Your Dog to Come: Reliable Recall Training
  4. – No title found
  5. – No title found
  6. – How to Train Your Dog To Recall — Tails of Connection – How to connect with my dog, online dog training, strengthen your bond, dog owners
  7. – Reliable Recall: Teach Your Dog to Come When Called
  8. – Why a Reliable Recall Is So Important – Whole Dog Journal
  9. – How to Teach a Dog to Come When Called in Just 5 Steps
  10. – How to Teach Your Dog to “Come” When Called… – Brandon McMillan’s Canine Minded
  11. – No title found
  12. – How to train your dog to come back when called | Dogs Trust
  13. – 7 fun games to nail your dog’s recall training
  14. – No title found
  15. – Recall Training 101: Teach Your Dog to Come When Called
  16. – How to Teach a Dog to Come: Recall Training Guide
  17. – How to teach your dog to come when called
  18. – COME
  19. – Dog Recall Training: Teach Your Dog to Come When Called
  20. – Recall Training 101: Teach Your Dog to Come When Called
  21. – Building a Reliable Recall – Thriving Canine
  22. – Training Your Dog to Reliably Come When Called Is Hard. Here’s How to Make it Easier
  23. – How to avoid totally ruining your dog’s recall (coming when called) – Crosspaws
  24. – “Don’ts” When Training Recall (“Come!”) – Calm Energy Dog Training


Hello friends, my name is Ravinder from India, and I am doing blogging for the last ten years. My blog is just three years old. I have made this blog to help dog lovers and owners who do not know the dos and don’t for dogs or puppies.

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